A Gentle Body Therapy Explained – by Christine Evans


What is the Emmett Technique?

The Emmett Technique is a body therapy created by Ross Emmett. It works equally well on humans and animals. It can be described as light touch muscle and soft tissue release therapy. It involves gentle pressure on specific points on the body and in sequences. This initiates the release of muscle restrictions and encourages the body to self-correct.

The body responds incredibly well to light touch. Small sensors on carefully chosen points on the body establish a connection with the brain via the therapist’s hands and can assist in resetting muscle memory. When we sustain an injury, the muscles contract and can ‘freeze’ in this position, as a protection mechanism against the feeling of pain. The brain holds on to the memory of the painful sensation in the affected muscles and finds it difficult to let go. The body may start to compensate, creating more strains in other areas. The sequence of muscle activation points used with the Emmett Technique can help ‘rewire’ the brain and provides an opportunity for realignment of the body.

The Emmett Technique helps promote relaxation, release tension and restore balance. It improves movement and comfort, and therefore quality of life.

The Emmett Technique is suitable for everyone, from babies to the elderly, from athletes to pregnant women. The pressure required is not heavy or painful, and the technique does not require manipulation. ‘No pain, no gain’ has no place in the Emmett therapist’s approach.

It offers a treatment tailored specifically to each person’s needs, so no two treatments are the same.

The Emmett Technique can influence the whole body (muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, nervous system, lymphatic immune system, gastro-intestinal system…) and may help, for example, with the following issues (this is not an exhaustive list):

–              Injuries and strains from sports or accidents

–              Poor posture and body unbalance/asymmetry

–              Sciatica, piriformis syndrome and back problems

–              Neck and shoulder restrictions, tennis/golfer elbow

–              Hip and knee issues

–              Tight hamstrings and quads

–              Stiffness and movement limitations

–              Sore hands/legs/ankles, plantar fasciitis

–              Poor blood circulation/oedema

–              Abdominal and intestinal complaints

–              Breathing problems, blocked sinuses

–              Migraines and headaches

–              Clearing of the lymphatic system

–              Emotional issues held in muscles, anxiety



Emmett for animals

Animals are extremely sensitive and respond well to Emmett treatment. They usually find it enjoyable and relaxing and will take out of it just what their body needs on any given day.

Treatment may help in the following situations (this is not an exhaustive list):

–              Treat injuries/accidents, loosen movement

–              Speed up recovery following surgery

–              Sustain a young animal’s rapid growth

–              Support an elderly animal’s aging body and reduce stiffness

–              Benefit a sports animal’s health and performance

–              Enhance a working animal’s agility and comfort (eg. sheepdogs)

–              Assist a pregnant animal before and after birth

–              Address unexplained behaviour changes

–              Offer your companion(s) a relaxing body session


My name is Christine Evans and I am an Ofqual accredited Trust Technique practitioner. I am based in Pembrokeshire in West Wales, and I carry out Trust Technique consultations (in English or French) in person or indeed anywhere in the world thanks to the wonders of modern technology (provided you benefit from a good internet connection).

Animals are just like us, they share the same feelings, fears and emotions. Discovering and training with the Trust Technique has been an amazing process. I feel very grateful to be able to assist in many different situations with this mindful approach which supports animals whilst highlighting the importance of the animal-human relationship.


Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for pembrokeshire.online, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says "Pembrokeshire.online has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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