Exploring the Menopause

Theatr Gwaun tells us: “FADDS [Fishguard and District Drama Society] returns to our stage on Friday 8 March and Saturday 9 March (both at 7.30pm) with What’s The Matter With Mum? — part of our International Women’s Day week of celebration.
“It’s an evening of exploration, celebration and honest discovery of what we can say and when we can say it.”
The piece includes “thoughts, fears and acknowledgements on the whole menopause topic and more…”
“Noson o archwilio, dathlu a darganfod yn onest o’r hyn y gallwn ei ddweud a phryd y gallwn ei ddweud. Mae ein darn dyfeisiedig yn cynnwys ein meddyliau, ofnau a chydnabyddiaethau ein hunain ar bwnc cyfan y Menopos a mwy …”
Dim rhedeg, dim cuddio, dim mwy o gywilydd… Dewch i ddisgleirio gyda ni. Yn addas i bawb “

Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for pembrokeshire.online, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says "Pembrokeshire.online has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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