Wanted: A Wave of Ideas

The Wave of Welcome people say they “would like to know what you think about some of our ideas for using our collective visual ‘voice’. Here you will also find out about how you can chose to take part in actual events, that will take place as part of this project. So please drop in often, and leave your support for others as we add their Waves of Welcome, from our Facebook Page, to strengthen the impact of our collective voice.

“The ‘collective visual voice’ of the Wave of Welcome, exists digitally and in a physical sense.

“Since it was first exhibited at Tenby Museum in a physical sense, many more ‘Waves of Welcome’ have been created in situ and glued onto the sheets of cardboard which house them.

“However, the cardboard is getting shabby.

1) Do we keep adding sheets of cardboard and see the shabbiness as a part of its journey?

2) Move the ‘Waves’ to more robust OSB (oriented strand board) engineered wood?

3) More the ‘Waves’ to materials/items we associate with journeys… these items then exhibited as a whole installation, might amplify our message further

4) Your ideas?

“Alongside our ‘collective digital voice’ for projections, graphics etc, what shall we aim to create in a physical sense?

“There is a  proud history in Wales of offering protection to people fleeing war, persecution and disaster. Join us in showing a welcome to people who arrive here.”

The group can be followed on https://www.facebook.com/SUTRWestWales/ where details of other forms of protest will be published. More info at https://www.facebook.com/artisanavenue/.

Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for pembrokeshire.online, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says "Pembrokeshire.online has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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