Life on the Line


One of Pembrokeshire’s VC Gallery projects is run by Aad Oostermeijer; his photography group meet every Wednesday at 11am, membership free.

You may recall that we have been following photographer Lucy Hinksman who was recently supported by the group at her exhibition in Roch.

The photography group plan trips out and about for inspiration and practice, and we recently came across these images that were not taken at the planned location – because of abundant rain. Undaunted, Aad postponed the Cardigan trip originally planned for something a little more sheltered. The results, titled Day Trippers, were shot undercover at Haverfordwest railway station.


The VC Gallery runs projects and workshops for the community from its premises in Havefordwest and Pembroke Dock. It works with people of all ages and all backgrounds to help alleviate loneliness and isolation. Its work aims to enhance the lives of people with mental or physical disabilities, and anyone who feels alone, disadvantaged or isolated.

The VC’s projects run all year round and it frequently collaborates with schools, community centres, care homes, and youth clubs.

Art of all kinds is a way of engagement at the VC Gallery which aims not only to teach skills, but to offer advice and encourage personal development on all levels.

If you would like to know more about the photography group, go to the VC Gallery website or call in at the premises at 30 High Street, Haverfordwest, SA61 2DA.

In the studio with Aad Oostermeijer

Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says " has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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