Choirs For Good Have Much to Celebrate


Here in the land of song, you probably don’t need to be told the value of music, but you may not fully realise the benefits of belonging to a choir.

Back in the deep dark days of winter I got involved in Choirs For Good and I loved it. Despite having to turn out from my cozy hearth in the freezy dark on a Tuesday evening, I quickly found an hour singing with these folks drove away my winter blues  and set me up for the week ahead. I haven’t been able to get along for a few weeks and I am truly missing it.

Choirs For Good describe themselves as a  network of community wellbeing choirs that exist to promote the importance and benefits of community singing. They say that  singing is good for our physical and mental wellbeing – It is proven to reduce stress, anxiety and even loneliness. Coming together with other people to sing in a choir has the bonus of allowing us to meet new people and form new friendships.

Choirs For Good add a whole new dimension of benefits with their “vision is to create a world where choirs are placed at the heart of local communities, where they give back and are recognised for their value to society, and where choirs form part of a sustainable approach to helping people live more connected, fulfilling lives”.

They are a force for good  performing regularly to raise funds and awareness for various good causes in their communities. No choir members are compelled to perform. I never planned to, but within weeks of joining I found myself singing my little heart out at an event organised by the Samaritans to fundraise for their work. It was great fun.

And let me assure you, in case you are thinking: “I would love to do that but I cant sing”, this is a choir that is fully inclusive. There are no auditions and no one looking down their nose at you. You simply come along and join in. The Haverfordwest group meets at HaverHub on a Tuesday at 7.30pm and there is always a warm welcome. The first session is free.

And there is no better time to pop along than 28 March, at 7-9pm, which happens to be the Choirs’ first birthday. It’s a great opportunity to get a taste of what the choir are doing, to meet the delightfully bouncy and endlessly inspiring choir master, Tom Dyer, and be entertained by the group.

You will be welcomed with open arms and cake.


Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says " has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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