Two Poems from Marc Mordey

Marc Mordey

Marc and his wife have lived in West Wales since April 2005. Besides Marc’s involvement with the charitable and public sectors, he has a keen interest in creative pursuits, and has two collections of  poetry: Rewarded by Dolphins and Marcism Today. His says his poems are inspired by his relationship with his wife, Helen Carey (a successful novelist), the landscapes they  have lived in recently, and their  many travels around the world.

Others have said of his poetry:

“Your poetry calmed and relaxed me. Your pure expressions of love for life and those dear to you are refreshing and remind me of what is important in this world…”

Marc, your poems are brilliant, you cover so many emotions, they are funny, romantic and deeply meaningful…”

Marc says of  these poems: “They are offered as small songs, tiny tokens of hope. Poetry doesn’t cure, but maybe it offers balm. The first was written just now. The second is an older refrain, after a glorious walk in the woods, with Helen, Phoebe and Maisie.

Thanks for reading these. Please feel free to share. And whoever you are, wherever in the world you are, I hope you and yours stay safe, stay well and that the months ahead will bring new hope, new realisations and that, as a species, we grasp the possibility that what we learn from all this might help us to make real and lasting change.

Go well, friends.

MARCH 20TH 2020 by Marc Mordey

Spring blew in today –

sunburst marigold,

washing line cloud scudded

the breeze blistered

a touch cold-blooded.

Two siskins, freshly arrived

tanked up on niger seed.

Daffodils soared skyward,

snowdrops still unbowed,

grape hyacinths abound

and the first forget-me-nots

shyly stepping forward

gentian washed aloud.

The box hedge took no heed.

Our land, our world

is gripped by fever

the animal that roared.

There’s darkness, sadness, grief

and loss abroad

whilst change is in the air.

Amidst the early signs of growth,

degrees of illness and despair.

But, the grass will grow

the wind will blow

the moon will rise

the sun will shine

despite the rain and hail.

People come, and likewise go

but nature must prevail,

and we must help it do so.

Hera will buzz the walls and lanes

with little fuss

unaware of our travails.

And, to quote this poet

as the blackbirds, robins, finches, sparrows

throng the air

and call

and sing

maybe remonstrate.

Despite it all

let’s celebrate

the joy of spring driven things…

SPRING DRIVEN THING  (Composed some 10 or so years ago) by Marc Mordey

 It’s a spring like day

And we are walking

Three dogs, you and I

In Pengelly woods

Marvelling at the cathedral of trees

Stepping through the quickening stems of wild garlic and of

Bluebells, pushing up promises

There’s a rough bench to rest on

And the chance to sit

Watching the stream slip by

Calling out its spring time song

Water music for the ear

Greened bark and worsened stone

Go gently on the eye

We talk, you’re writing once more

A matter of delight

Whilst spring adopts its rites alike

We recommence our Sunday hike

Kicking up a storm of last year’s leaf fall

Marshmallowed moulded woodland floor

Winter slowly shrinking back

As the new season slides through the quietly opening door.


Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says " has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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1 Response

  1. Rob Barnes says:

    Thanks Marc, that’s very poignant.