Ioan, Nine, Designs a Dress for Belle

This article is in English and Welsh

The winner of the Design Belle a Dress competition at the Torch Theatre, Milford Haven, has been chosen. The successful design is a glamorous and glitzy ballgown and there’s only one place to see it and that’s at the theatre’s production of Beauty and the Beast this month.

The winner of the competition out of more than 80 entries is nine-year-old budding fashion designer Ioan, from Tenby.

He said: “I decided to enter the competition because my mum knows I love art so much. She told me about it and I thought it would be really cool to see something I had designed on stage. I feel happy, shocked and really excited to see the dress.”

Ioan, who has been inspired by his grandmother, put a lot of thought and effort into his design.

“First of all I looked at different shapes of dresses on the iPad. I knew that Belle loved books, so I wanted to make sure they were on the dress. I thought I would change it up a bit and not use yellow like Belle normally wears. I added diamonds to give it more pizzazz.”

Tim Howe, senior manager youth and community at the Torch, says that the response for the competition has been incredible: “We were overwhelmed by the response to our request for help with Belle’s ballgown. We had designs flooding in from across the county and beyond. With so many fantastic entries we were spoiled for choice, and we spent many long hours deciding which one really captured what we wanted for Belle as she attends the Beast’s birthday ball.

“Ioan’s design really impressed us. The colours were really exciting and vivid, they seemed like a perfect match for how Belle would be feeling in that moment. He also gave us some fantastic creative challenges with his choice of how things looked – and we like a challenge! I’m so excited to see the final design in all its glory. I know our audiences will love it.”

Ioan’s ballgown design will now be made into a real ballgown for Belle to wear on stage throughout the productions. This will be made by designer Kevin Jenkins and the wardrobe team who can’t wait to get sewing.

All of the designs that entered the competition can be seen throughout December at the Joanna Field Gallery at the Torch.


Mae enillydd cystadleuaeth ‘Dylunio Ffrog Ddawns i Belle’ yn Theatr y Torch wedi’i ddewis! O ydy mae e! Ac mae’n ffrog ddawns hynod gyfareddol a disglair, pefriog a hynod syfrdanol, sy’n siŵr o wneud i chi feddwl tybed lle gallwch chi brynu eich un eich hun. Ond dim ond un lle sydd i’w gweld ac mae hynny yng nghynhyrchiad Theatr y Torch o Beauty and the Beast fis Rhagfyr yma.

Enillydd y gystadleuaeth allan o dros 80 o geisiadau, yw’r dylunydd ffasiwn sydd ar ddod – Ioan, naw oed, o Ddinbych-y-pysgod. Dywedodd wrth Theatr y Torch ei fod wrth ei fodd ei fod wedi ennill.

“Penderfynais gymryd rhan yn y gystadleuaeth oherwydd mae mam yn gwybod fy mod yn caru celf gymaint. Dywedodd wrthyf am y peth a phenderfynais fynd i mewn ac ymuno. Roeddwn i’n meddwl y byddai’n cŵl iawn gweld rhywbeth yr oeddwn wedi’i ddylunio ar y llwyfan. Rwy’n teimlo’n hapus, mewn sioc ac yn gyffrous iawn i weld y ffrog,” meddai Ioan.

Mae Ioan, sydd wedi cael ei ysbrydoli gan ei fam-gu, wedi rhoi llawer o feddwl ac ymdrech i mewn i’w ddyluniad.

“Yn gyntaf oll edrychais ar wahanol siapiau o ffrogiau ar yr iPad. Roeddwn i’n gwybod bod Belle yn hoff iawn o lyfrau felly roeddwn i am wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw ar y ffrog. Roeddwn i’n meddwl y byddwn i’n ei newid ychydig a pheidio â defnyddio melyn, sef ei lliw arferol. Ychwanegais ddiemwntau i roi mwy o bizazz iddi!”

Mae Tim Howe, Uwch Swyddog Ieuenctid a Chymuned yn y Torch yn dweud bod yr ymateb ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth wedi bod yn anhygoel.

​“Cawsom ein syfrdanu gan yr ymateb i’n cais am help gyda ffrog ddawns Belle. Roedd gennym ddyluniadau yn llifo i mewn o bob rhan o’r sir a thu hwnt. Gyda chymaint o geisiadau gwych, cawsom ein sbwylio gan ddewis, gan dreulio oriau hir yn penderfynu pa un oedd wir yn dal yr hyn yr oeddem ei eisiau ar gyfer Belle wrth iddi fynychu dawns pen-blwydd y Bwystfil,” esboniodd Tim.

Pan ddaeth hi’n amser dewis yr enillydd, roedd yn benderfyniad anodd i’r tîm yn y Torch, ond fe ddaliodd dyluniad Ioan eu sylw fel yr eglura Tim:

​”Fe wnaeth dyluniad Ioan greu argraff fawr arnom. Roedd y lliwiau’n gyffrous iawn ac yn fywiog, roedd yn ymddangos yn union sut y byddai Belle yn teimlo yn y foment honno. Rhoddodd heriau creadigol gwych i ni hefyd gyda’i ddewis o sut roedd pethau’n edrych – ac rydyn ni’n hoffi her! Rydw i mor gyffrous i weld y dyluniad terfynol yn ei holl ogoniant. Rwy’n gwybod y bydd ein cynulleidfaoedd wrth eu bodd.”

Bydd dyluniad ffrog ddawns Ioan nawr yn cael ei wneud yn ffrog go iawn i Belle ei gwisgo ar y llwyfan trwy gydol y cynhyrchiadau. Caiff y ffrog ei gwneud gan y dylunydd Kevin Jenkins a’r Tîm Cwpwrdd Dillad sy’n methu aros i gael dechrau ar y gwaith gwnïo.

​Mae’r holl ddyluniadau yn y gystadleuaeth i’w gweld trwy gydol mis Rhagfyr yn Oriel Joanna Field yn y Torch. A pheidiwch ag anghofio, os ydych am weld y ffrog ddawns yn ei holl ogoniant bydd angen i chi weld Beauty and the Beast, pantomeim ysblennydd Theatr y Torch.




Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says " has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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