Poetry from Alan Martin

(We were really touched by this poem from local poet ALAN MARTIN. So beautiful! Thank you to him and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Do we have any other poets out there who would like to send us a poem or two. We will be delighted to hear from you. Contact speaktofish@gmail.com.)


Image courtesy of Art Tower at Pixabay



When I looked, perchance, at mid-December

with dreamy gaze

and engagement airy,

I lighted on a stalwart friend

the essence of a seemly poise;

a quite requisite lethargy.


Spring this year

slept close to the equinox,

and, waking with a start,

with the sun in its eyes,

it bloomed in surfeit

like a guilt-wracked employee

caught short by the fact

of returning a profit.


Then my tree brooked no languor

and around midsummer

it made good with berries;

those causing a ruckus,

a jealous kerfuffle

between Blackbird and Mistle.


Then in full vigour

of harvesting leaf,

just after solstice,

it was hinting at a just repose,

with just an orangey tint or two.


My tree does nothing for applause,

but accomplishes everything

according to its proper writ.

That’s all and ample,

but here is the action of love transcending;

with a masterly grace,

it stops.

Carw July 23.


Alan Martin is a Pembrokeshire native who has worked in several UK locations as an engineering inspector. He now lives on a smallholding in mid-county with his wife and son


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