Murder Mystery to Solve at Carew Castle

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The Body in the Tower murder mystery evening will take place at Carew Castle on Saturday 18 June.

Digwyddiad llorio’r llofrudd yn addo bod yn noson anfarwol yng Nghastell Caeriw


Bydd noson llorio’r llofrudd, gyda thema hanesyddol, yn cael ei chynnal yng Nghastell Caeriw nos Wener 18 Gorffennaf.

 Wedi’i leoli yng Nghaeriw yn ystod y 15fed ganrif, mae’r Corff yn y Tŵr yn sôn am ddathliad unigryw yn yr awyr agored yng Ngardd Furiog Caeriw, sy’n cael ei ddifetha ar ôl dod o hyd i gorff.

Bydd rhan fwyaf o’r digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal yn yr awyr agored, gyda chanapés a diodydd wedi’u cynnwys ym mhris y tocyn. Yn rhan o’r noson, bydd angen olrhain a chwestiynu’r rhai sydd dan amheuaeth er mwyn helpu’r Foneddiges Eva a’i Cheidwad i ddatrys y trosedd erchyll hwn.

Dywedodd Rheolwr Castell Caeriw, Daisy Hughes: “Rydyn ni’n falch iawn o gynnal un arall o’n digwyddiadau Llorio’r Llofrudd poblogaidd yn y Castell, gyda throsedd newydd yn aros i gael ei datrys.

“Bydd hi’n noson i’w chofio, a bydd y gwesteion yn cael eu gwahodd i gamu’n ôl mewn amser i ddarganfod pwy sydd wedi cyflawni’r drosedd yn un o leoliadau mwyaf prydferth Sir Benfro.

“Mae croeso i bawb wisgo dillad, gorchuddion wyneb neu hetiau o’r cyfnod – er bod dillad cynnes ac esgidiau call yn cael eu hargymell hefyd.”

Mae’r giatiau’n agor am 5.45pm, a’r digwyddiad yn dechrau am 6pm.

Mae tocynnau yn £21 i oedolion ac yn £18 i blant (ddim yn addas i blant o dan 13 oed). Mae’n rhaid i chi archebu lle. I archebu lle, ffoniwch 01646 651782. Sylwch nad oes modd cael ad-daliad ar docynnau.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Gastell Caeriw, sy’n cael ei reoli gan Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro, ewch i


image courtesy of Niek Verlaan at Pixabay

 A murder mystery evening with a historical theme will take place at Carew Castle on Saturday 18 June.

 Set in 15th-century Carew, The Body in the Tower revolves around an exclusive alfresco reception at Carew’s Walled Garden, which is shattered by the discovery of a body.

Mostly outdoors, with canapés and drinks included in the ticket price, the event will involve tracking down and interrogating suspects to help Lady Eva and her Castellan solve this heinous crime.

Carew Castle manager Daisy Hughes said: “We are delighted to host another of our popular murder mysteries at the Castle, with a new crime waiting to be solved.

“In what promises to be an evening to remember, guests will be invited to step back in time and work out whodunnit in one of Pembrokeshire’s most picturesque settings.

“15th-century costume, veils or plumed hats are welcome – although warm clothing and sensible footwear are highly recommended.”

Gates open at 5.45pm and the event starts at 6pm.

Tickets are £21 for adults and £18 for children (not suitable for under-13s). Booking is essential. To reserve your place, call 01646 651782.Tickets are non-refundable.

For more information about Carew Castle, which is managed by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, visit

Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says " has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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