A Fully Inclusive Choir

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Following on from the popularity of a queer choir a couple of years ago, Salvia Calor and Hannah John have now set up  a new opportunity for people to come together and sing.

The idea of this choir is to be fully inclusive, inviting marginalised people and allies in South-West Wales to come along and enjoy lifting their voices in song.

Salvia explains what they  mean by marginalised people and allies: “We want to include anyone who wants to sing: refugees, people who are queer, trans, differently abled etc and their allies. All are welcome.

“By ally we mean anyone who supports marginalised communities and believes in and fights for a more compassionate and just world.

“This is an open choir, meaning anyone can join, regardless of prior musical experience.”

But presumably people need to be able to sing?

“No singing experience is necessary. There is no need to even believe that you can sing particularly well (or at all!)

“You don’t have to be able to read music. We are  unlikely to use any sheet music for a while, anyway, if at all.”

The music they plan to use will come mainly from an oral tradition… songs you can learn quickly and then add harmonies.

“While it is very difficult on Zoom, we want people to meet up somehow and have fun. As soon as possible we will of course aim to meet in person.”

Salvia says: “I am inspired by Molera Adwen, who has been a phenomenal support… helped me believe in my own voice… we want people to be able to play and express themselves.”

The group have started to meet regularly on Zoom and currently have a Facebook page with the temporary title of “The As Yet Unnamed Choir”.

Salvia tells us that this is going to be a cooperative and democratic effort.

“We already have a good crowd and are meeting twice a week on a Wednesday and a Sunday. We will come up with a name for the group together, and vote on the best meeting times, and the regularity of sessions. Nothing is decided or set in stone beyond the fact that everyone is welcome and intolerance will not be tolerated!”

Salvia asks that anyone interested or wanting more information should contact her through the Facebook page.

She and Hanna are  looking  forward to seeing and singing with you soon!

Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for pembrokeshire.online, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says "Pembrokeshire.online has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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