More Meadows Campaign Hits £10,000

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Marsh fritillary butterfly – one of the many species set to benefit from the Make More Meadows campaign

Ymgyrch Creu Mwy o Ddolydd yn cyrraedd £10,000

Dros y 12 mis diwethaf, mae ymgyrch Creu Mwy o Ddolydd Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro wedi rhagori ar ei tharged, gan godi dros £10,000 i greu mwy o gynefinoedd ar gyfer pryfed peillio.

Bydd yr arian presennol yn cefnogi wyth safle newydd, sydd at ei gilydd yn cynnwys 52 hectar. Mae’r dolydd hyn yn cynnig ‘cerrig camu’ ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt, gan alluogi pryfed a phlanhigion i symud ar draws ardal ehangach er mwyn i’w rhywogaethau ffynnu a chael eu cynnal.

Un rhywogaeth sy’n siŵr o elwa o’r ‘cerrig camu’ hyn yw glöyn byw brith y gors, sy’n dibynnu ar gynefinoedd glaswelltir corsiog ac sydd wedi dirywio’n ddramatig dros y degawdau diwethaf. Nid ydyn nhw fel arfer yn hedfan yn bell iawn, ac maen nhw’n tueddu i fynd cyn belled â’r cae nesaf. Mewn blynyddoedd da pan fo’r boblogaeth yn ffynnu, mae rhai unigolion yn llwyddo i fynd ymhellach. Fodd bynnag, mae’n gylch o ffynnu a methu ar gyfer brith y gors, diolch i wenynen barasitig hyd yn oed yn fwy prin a all ddinistrio poblogaethau. Felly, mae’n rhaid sicrhau bod ‘cerrig camu’ addas gerllaw er mwyn iddyn nhw ymledu.

Dywedodd Elsa Davies, Cadeirydd Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro: “Un o’r pethau gorau am gynnal dolydd yw, unwaith y maen nhw’n cael eu sefydlu, gellir eu rheoli gyda chyn lleied o ymyriadau a chost â phosibl Fodd bynnag, mae bob amser mwy o waith y gellir ei wneud.

“Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn bwriadu parhau i godi arian ar gyfer ymgyrch Creu Mwy o Ddolydd er mwyn i ni allu cynnal y dolydd presennol, adfer y rhai sydd wedi cael eu hesgeuluso a gweithio gyda thirfeddianwyr i greu dolydd newydd ar draws y Parc Cenedlaethol.

“Rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at yr amser y gall gwaith ar gynnal ein dolydd ddechrau eto, gan fod y gwaith wedi cael ei ohirio dros y misoedd diwethaf oherwydd sefyllfa’r Coronafeirws.”

Gwnewch wahaniaeth i fyd natur drwy anfon neges destun at MOREMEADOWS a’r rhif 70085. Mae negeseuon testun yn costio £5 yn ogystal ag un neges ar eich cyfradd safonol. Gallwch hefyd wneud rhoddion ar-lein drwy fynd i


Pennawd: Brith y gors – un o’r llu o rywogaethau a fydd yn elwa o ymgyrch Creu Mwy o Ddolydd.

Wildflower meadow

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust says that over the past 12 months its Make More Meadows campaign has exceeded its target, raising over £10,000 to create more habitats for pollinators:

“The current funding will support eight new sites, covering a total of 52 hectares. These meadows offer ‘stepping stones’ for wildlife, enabling insects and plants to move across a wider area so that their species can thrive and be sustained.

“One species that stands to benefit from such ‘stepping stones’ is the marsh fritillary butterfly, dependent on marshy grassland habitats that have declined dramatically in recent decades. They don’t usually fly very far, and tend to go only as far as the adjacent field. In good years when the population booms, some individuals manage to get further afield. However, it’s very much a cycle of boom and bust for the marsh fritillary, thanks to an even rarer parasitic wasp that can decimate populations. It is therefore vital that there are suitable ‘stepping stones’ nearby for them to spread.”

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust chair Elsa Davies added: “One of the best things about supporting meadows is that once established, they can be managed with minimum intervention and cost. However, there is always more that can be done.

“The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust intends to continue fundraising for the Make More Meadows campaign so that we can maintain existing meadows, restore those that have been neglected and work with landowners to create new meadows throughout the National Park.

“We very much look forward to the time when work can begin again on maintaining our meadows, as work has been paused in recent months due to the coronavirus situation.”

Become a force of nature by texting MOREMEADOWS to 70085. Texts cost £5 plus one message at your standard rate. Donations can also be made online by visiting

Contact: Kate Gravell, Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro/Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, Parc Llanion/Llanion Park, Doc Penfro/Pembroke Dock SA72 6DY.

Kitty Parsons

Kitty has forgotten how long she has been here now but she loves Pembrokeshire for its beauty and it's people. She spends her time searching out stories for, swimming in the sea , drawing and painting as Snorkelfish and eating cake. She says " has been an opportunity to celebrate this beautiful county and its people. Keep the stories coming. We love to hear from you."

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